Corrupt Politicians and Tools of the Gulen Movement

Corrupt Politicians and Tools of the Gulen Movement
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Tuesday, December 23, 2014

2014 Gulen Golden Hijab Award - Nominate your favorite Gulen politician

 The first Annual Gulen Golden Hijab Award for 2014
           Vote for your favorite Gulen Tool below in the comment section, or if you have another Gulen political tool to nominate tell us why.  
Thus Far we have 4 nominees
1. Congressman Matt Cartwright (D PA) Matt made it to the top of the food chain With accepting over $20,000 from the Gulen Minions and then honoring Gulen in the US Congress for his "exceptional work"

2. Congresswoman Shiela Jackson Lee (D Tx) This raving lunatic has accepted countless trips to Turkey and Azerbaijan. Not only stuffing her face with Bakhlava. Jackson-Lee facilitated MORE h1-b visas for additional Gulen teachers to put Americans out of work Jackson-Le also facilitate the approval of a Harmony Science Academy in Washington DC To date trips, gifts and campaign contributions exceed over $30,000 The Gulen Minions love ignorant sassy black women like Lee and Yvette Clark in NY.

3. State Senator Pamela Roach (WA) Poor Pamela was roped into a visit to Azerbaijan then shortly after the politicians returned from the "Oil Festival" they voted to lift a sanction on Iran thereby enabling Iran to be partners in the Shah Deniz pipeline project with Azerbaijan SOCOR which is actually the Gulen Movement. Pamela has since learned a lot more about the Gulen Movement.

4. Mayor Annise Parker, the tool of Houston. Not only has Parker hosted their Ramadan Dinner, MC'd their Turkish Olympiads, had Gulenists in her Mayoral home. But Annise has accepted a lot of campaign contributions and passes through "A day for Houston to recognize Turkey" and "Azerbaijan Day in Houston" Annise also went after the local churches and had a lot of controversy of censorship of their sermons. A known Gay advocate Annise Parker carries her human rights advocacy over to protecting muslim extremists with money while punishing American citizens who are God Fearing Christians (her apparent enemies) Makes several appearances at the Gulen Schools. The girl works hard for her money

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